
Instabooks small business AI accounting software and mobile application are best for managing accounting and finances efficiently by using invoicing software, expense tracker and tax calculator.

Q1 2022
1.5 Months
Finance & Investment
1 Members
Architecture & AWS

About the Project

Instabooks a startup that strives to provide a unique easy to use accounting solution with AI assisted automation. The company was in early prototype of development when we were first approached.

The website for instabooks was highly complex set of several wordpress sites organised together with geographic redirection and high volume of traffic. The customer required a massive overhaul of its infrastructure to support traffic and performance

The Challenge

  • Traditional server hosting on AWS was unable to scale the performance of the website
  • Peak loads would bring down the EC2 servers and slow down performance to near unusable. Especially during email campaigns that drove traffic to few thousand users per min
  • Separate servers for different regions was making keeping content shared and consistent impossible

The Solution

  • Noorix is certified AWS partner. We were approached to resolve their complex architectural problem by deploying a highly scalable architecture on AWS
  • The solution consisted of a complex load balanced web server with autoscaling to expand EC2 instances and connect to a centralised RDS database. The solution also incorporated CDN for content distribution that greatly reduced load and scaled the traffic globally

What we delivered

A highly scalable and resilient AWS Architecture

We designed and a deployed a highly scalable architecture for their wordpress website that automatically scales and down sizes based on peak load along with AWS machine learning that predicts load based on historic usage to automate scaling ahead of time. The major challenges are with wordpress and it's file system design that makes horizontal scaling a challenge. However, we a lot of this was over come with a vast array of technolgoies such as cloudfront (CDN), EFS (Elastic file system over NFS), load balancer, autoscaling policies and an extensive backup process

A highly scalable and resilient AWS Architecture


Our team consisted of a 1 senior architect. The job was mostly consulting and rearchitecting and deploying a new stack on AWS


  • Wordpress
  • AWS EC2, Autoscaling, ELB
  • AWS Cloudfront
  • AWS S3, EFS, Cloudwatch
  • AWS Route53

Client Review


We found them extremely competent in their architectural and AWS implementation skills. They optimised our infrastructure to deliver a higher-performing global website with automatic scalability and failover, all the while reducing overall costs to run it

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