
9/10 Software projects fail as the vision and execution isn’t aligned. Our 5 point discovery process makes sure we help you solve the right problems and are completely aligned

For us, this is the foundation for a clear and comprehensive understanding of requirements, risks, and opportunities, ensuring a well-informed and successful project execution

Discovery in depth

Business vision, goals and product roadmap

Document and develop a broader understanding of the product, a future roadmap with milestones, key priorities and scoping of product in phase.

Detailed Functional Requirements

Document detailed requirements mapping and documentation process to identify each feature’s requirements mapping complex processes with flow diagrams. These are generally then translated into a database design, and software architecture required to support to design the app in the most efficient way.

High level software architecture

Identify technology architecture to support the scale of the product. Technological stack, hosting requirements. Infrastructure scalability, fault tolerance requirements. Backup and Security requirements


Security, Monitoring & Support

Identify data privacy requirements and handling. How will the product team monitor and respond to security threats? Support mechanisms, triage and reporting Product documentation requirements (user manuals, contextual helps, video, online vs printed etc)


Identify and mitigate possible risks

Understand limitations, technological, financial and other implementation challenges. Understand business continuity requirements and challenges Compliance requirements (if any)

advanced workloads

UX/UI Design and Review

UX/UI Design is a pivotal part of our discovery phase. This may also include mobile and tablet specific designs and building UI flows cases in figma where the complexity requires to visualise a user journey. This gives stakeholders a very clear idea of what the product may look like.

Discovery Deliverables


Requirements Document

A comprehensive document that outlines all functional and non-functional requirements of the software project, providing a clear understanding of what the software should accomplish


User Interface (UI) Design

Wireframes, prototypes, and user flow diagrams that visualize the user journey and interactions with the software, ensuring a user-centric approach to design. Depending on the nature of product, this could be more sophisticated UI design


Product Roadmap

A detailed plan that includes the project scope, timeline, resource allocation, and milestones, serving as a guide for the development team and stakeholders throughout the software development lifecycle.

Non functional requirements

discovery basics
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